Douglas Park Community Centre

The Douglas Park Community Centre is located at 801 West 22nd Avenue, Vancouver BC, Canada and has activities and programs for all ages. Amenities include a pottery studio, teen/youth centre, childcare, and a fitness room. Outside, there is a … Read the rest

A Touch Above Esthetics Salon

A Touch Above Esthetics Salon located provides popular services such as pedicures, facials and skin care. They specialize in high end retail products.

Website requirements  are an online presence using  WordPress to promote sales and an opportunity to expand to … Read the rest

West End Community Centres

The West End Community Centre Association (WECCA)  is located in downtown West End Neighbourhood in Vancouver. WECCA operates in partnership with the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation to provide recreational, educational, and social activities and services including group fitness … Read the rest

Scandinavian Community Website by OinonenDesigns

Scandinavian Community Centre Website

The Scandinavian Community Centre Society (SCCS) is a meeting place for all Scandinavians, local and visiting, who strive to preserve and promote Nordic culture, community and spirit within the Metro Vancouver area.

The SCC is a non-profit organization that has … Read the rest

Leena Kelly

A documentary, The Recollections of the Finnish War Veterans in Vancouver is about the Finnish Second World War Veterans, who, for some at a very young age, first fought the Russians and then the Germans. Yet, after the war, they

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Kits 4th Avenue Business Association

Kits 4th Avenue Business Association
Website Interface and Banners

These designs were needed to translate into print and web and at the same time ensuring all branding rules were met.… Read the rest

Champlain Heights Community Association

The responsibilities of the Champlain Heights Community Association include shaping programming, hiring staff, raising funds, accessing grants, developing rental policy, advocating for our parks and ensuring that decisions affecting the community are made at the grassroots level.  The Association advocates … Read the rest

Sunset Community Centre Association Website

The Sunset Community Association is a volunteer organization that jointly operates with the Vancouver Park Board to develop programs and policies in within  Sunset Community Centre.

A WordPress site to allow the community to find out about Programs and Services … Read the rest

David Chiu Ltd CGA Certified General Accountant & Certified Financial Planner

David Chiu Ltd  CGA Certified General Accountant & Certified Financial Planner needed a WordPress Site to advertise their services.

 … Read the rest