FitFlow Yoga offers yoga teacher trainings and workshops, in-person and online. The company’s mission is to ensure “every student has the practical skills (Body), knowledge (Mind), and confidence (Spirit), to become the best teacher they can be.”

FitFlow Yoga Teacher Training

FitFlow Yoga offers yoga teacher trainings and workshops, in-person and online. The company’s mission is to ensure “every student has the practical skills (Body), knowledge (Mind), and confidence (Spirit),  to become the best teacher they can be.”

Website requirements  are … Read the rest

Douglas Park Community Centre

The Douglas Park Community Centre is located at 801 West 22nd Avenue, Vancouver BC, Canada and has activities and programs for all ages. Amenities include a pottery studio, teen/youth centre, childcare, and a fitness room. Outside, there is a … Read the rest

A Touch Above Esthetics Salon

A Touch Above Esthetics Salon located provides popular services such as pedicures, facials and skin care. They specialize in high end retail products.

Website requirements  are an online presence using  WordPress to promote sales and an opportunity to expand to … Read the rest